Monday, May 24, 2010

Inside a carved out Redwood tree. Summer 2008
As I look out the window today and see the snow falling down in big chunky flakes, I am reminded that Lauren wouldn't sit in the house and watch, she would be out trying to catch them on her tongue. For Lauren, even a spring snowstorm was a delight just waiting to happen. A pouring rainstorm had puddles to be splashed in, and sunny days typically had clouds that had a shape just waiting to be found. Finding joy in every day is an art ... and Lauren is a master at it. So, in her honor, I'll stop my distaste for snow at the end of May and go outside and catch a few on my tongue ... singing the song she would add to it - - "If all of the snowflakes were Hershey bars and milkshakes - oh what a world this would be! I'd stand outside with my mouth open wide going AH-AH, AH, AH! AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!!"
That is what makes the difference .... when we learn from the masters of living. And, 'living Lauren's legacy' will mean more love, more laughter, more living deeply, and - - more snowflakes on our tongues.
Living her legacy also means getting outside of ourselves and thinking of others. We've just been interviewed for the upcoming KSL telethon for Primary Children's Medical Center. It's tender and draining to talk about Lauren's illness and the suffering she went through, but the opportunity is a bit like the snowflakes -- it calls us to come out of ourselves and see the world through her eyes. So, we did what we thought she would want us to do and shared her story in an effort to help others. The telethon is June 5 and 6. Lauren's paintings (prints) will also be given as thank you's to the telethons biggest donors. (And, we'll still be offering them with proceeds going directly to benefit PCMC and other charities Lauren loved.)
Thank you to everyone who participated in the collection of books for PCMC. Over 200 are being delivered today. And, a huge thank you to those who collected food and money for our friends made through our mutual experience at PCMC. Your generosity is going a long way for their sweet little family.
Lauren still makes a difference ... many fluffy wet snowflakes at a time! Happy catching!!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of the two of you is so beautiful, I love it.
